Monday, May 5, 2014

Kiss Me Organics: Matcha Review and Giveaway

Have you heard of Matcha Tea? I'll admit, previous to the sweet folks at Kiss Me Organics, I didn't know much about it. When they contacted me to test it out, I was intrigued because I'm already a fan of green tea. 

After I decided it was delicious and amazing, I started doing my research (yes, I know it's a little backwards, but that's how I roll!) and apparently this is a wonder drug. All the benefits of green tea but since you're consuming the actual leaves finely ground up, you get the MAX of those benefits. It's jam packed with anti-oxidants and is awesome for an energy and metabolism boost. It's also good to drink this pre-workout for max calorie burning. What's not to like?! 

Along with my order, they sent over a PDF filled with recipes that you can use Matcha for. Being the non-cook that I am, I've only ventured in making my own version of the Matcha Latte and let me tell you- it's delicious! Not only that, but the energy kick I got from it was surprising. Coffee doesn't even effect me like this anymore! It was great and even better that it's all natural.

I will say it has a strong green tea flavor (Duh.), so you'll enjoy it if you enjoy Green Tea. My favorite is adding milk and a tad of sugar to the Matcha in hot water. I've also read that adding the Matcha to boiling water brings out the gritty taste, so the suggestion is to wait for the water to cool. It's also a tad more expensive than coffee, so as much as I'd love to make the switch, I think I'm going to keep my matcha as a treat or for when I really need a pick me up.

Matcha Tea

Because I was such a fan, I asked Kiss Me Organics to let me give some to one of you to try. You can enter here:

Have you ever tried Matcha? Are you a Green Tea fan?


  1. I love that it gives you energy and is better for you then coffee!

  2. I've actually never had green tea! I have had green tea ice cream, and it was a unique but subtle taste. I'd love to try it!

  3. I used to not like green tea when I was littel (the kind from Starbucks, etc) because it tasted like lawnmower leftovers. Then I tried matcha powder drinks and "real" green tea and it's amazing! I love what it does for your body!

  4. I like that it's a much better option than coffee.

  5. I love green tea and all the antioxidants that it has.

  6. I like that its healthy and helps fight cancer.

  7. I like green tea because of the taste and I know that it has so many health benefits so drink up ♥

  8. I don't drink coffee, I usually just stick with the Lipton Green Tea Superfruits, but anything that helps up my energy (especially pre-workout) sounds amazing!

  9. I like that it has less caffeine than black tea, so I can drink it at any time of day.

  10. I've never tried matcha tea but want to! I like green tea because I know it has many benefits like antioxidants.

  11. I love green tea! I like that I can drink it at any time of the day and it won't keep me up at night.

  12. I like the little energy boost!

  13. Oooh, I love green tea!! True story - I have them add matcha when I go to Jamba Juice. I love the boost of energy from green tea.

  14. The weight management I get from drinking it is my favorite thing about it.

  15. I drink it because it is better for me and energizing

  16. It has many health benefits and is good for blood circulation!

  17. Green tea is so good for you... that's what I love about it! I keep reading about Matcha tea so would love to try this!
    Thanks - Sarah Z
    believedreamcourage (at)
