Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Balance Girls Night Out! NYC Edition


A couple of weeks ago, Pam and I attended the first of it's kind, Girls Night Out hosted by New Balance. I found out about this event through the contest their hosting for a Girls Night Out at RunDisney's Wine & Dine Half Marathon weekend.

The event was at the New Balance store on 5th Ave. 

The evening was great! We had a guided warm up and then were separated into 2 running groups. I knew I wasn't going to be able to keep up with the group after running The BK Half that weekend, so I asked what the route was and Pam and I ended up doing our own thing. We picked up a new runner along the way who was left behind by the group and had fun making a new friend!

The route was supposed to take you over to the High Line, up to 23rd and then back around for a total of 3-4 miles (depending on the group). We cut ours to 2 miles and accidentally got back before the faster group. Opps! But no worries, they were there before we knew it and that's when the party began!

There were h'ordeuvres and a fully stocked bar for cocktails. The Editor of Fitness Magazine talked to us about motivation and the NYPD spoke about runner safety. 

 We even got our own panic alarm to bring with us on runs.

No event is awesome until there is a photobooth!

There was dancing and fun to be had! 

It was really fun and I can't wait for the next one!

Monday, June 9, 2014

The 2014 Brooklyn Half Marathon

There's nothing like a hometown race. Every city/ town has one- that one race a year everyone runs. I think the Brooklyn Half is the best equivalent of that for New York City. Everyone who is any kind of runner or lack thereof, runs this race, hence why it sells out in hours. Now that I've experienced it for myself, I can definitely see why! Thanks to my guaranteed entry for volunteering at the race last year (that was NOT complimentary and NYRR failed to mention this pre- me getting up at 2AM. Thanks a lot!), I was able to score entry without worrying about the insanely fast sellout (although, it didn't sell out nearly as fast as it did in previous years, but I'm not bitter or anything).

I followed the warning of leaving extra early to get to the start and ended up sitting on the cement for a good hour before wave 2 was supposed to start. Opps. But it did give me a front row seat to the chaos of bag check for wave 1. Apparently, a TON of wave 1 runners did not heed the "get there EARLY" and missed their bag check (which to be honest, I thought they were bluffing to about the trucks leaving, too- but they did!). They did have 1 truck designated for late baggage for each wave, and I'm pretty sure the wave 1 last baggage truck had more bags in it than all the other trucks combined. I still have no idea how they got all those bags to fit into the ONE truck. The smarter thing for them to do would've been to push back closing bag check for 10 extra minutes- which is exactly what they did for wave 2. Good call.

Once it was getting close, I decided to find my way to a corral, and coincidentally enough, I ran into a friend of a friend, who I knew it was a her first half. I decided to stop and talk until the start of the race to pass the time and hopefully distract her from being nervous.

The sun came up and it was time for the race to start. The first half of the race was in and around Prospect Park, which I was very familiar with. I started thinking about my 1st 20 mile long run. Then I remembered I did all of my 20 mile long runs in and around Prospect Park. Almost like clockwork, my knee started hurting at the exact spot my 20 mile run ended. It was uncanny. I tried not to focus on it and it eventually went away. 

Then it was time for Ocean Parkway. Honestly, I was really concerned about the 2nd half of the race. 6 miles of straight highway- which means straight SUN on blacktop. Luckily, there WAS shade on the left side of the road and it was only straight sun for about .5 at the end of the race. I'm sure I would've died if it really was going to be 6 miles of sun. Do not forget your sunscreen and a hat for this race!

For some reason, NYRR decided it would be a good idea to put all the water stops on only ONE side of the road and that side also happened to be on the sunny side of the road. So, every mile the course of runners would start veering right to the water stop, then move back into the shade.

I absolutely LOVED the Brooklyn love and support we were getting. Something about the born and bred Brooklynite in that famous accent cheering us on was a huge energy boost. Hearing "Way to go! Brooklyn, Baby!" "You got this, Brooklyn!" "Looking good, Brooklyn!", I just felt incredibly Brooklyn Strong.

Have I mentioned I'm a huge fan of my borough? Brooklyn was the first place I lived when I moved to NYC and it was my saving grace after living in Manhattan for over 2 years. Without it, I would've peaced out from this city a long time ago. Brooklyn is my home and I have truly fallen in love with it through the years. I would even go so far as to say it might rank higher than NOLA and that's saying something. I thought about all that and I got pretty emotional.

The wind started to pick up and I new we were close to the boardwalk. I REALLY wanted to come in under 3 hours. I nearly ate boardwalk trying to accomplish it- seriously? Who put sand on the course?!- but I did it! 2:59. I'll take it!

At this rate, I'll PR in about 17 more half marathons :)

I went straight to the medical tent to tape my knees, per usual, but it seemed like everyone in the medical tent was running around with chickens with their heads cut off. All I needed was my knees wrapped, but it felt like I was asking for the moon. I know I couldn't have been the first person who only needed her knees wrapped. I wasn't interested in hanging out in the medical tent all afternoon, which they seemed very interested in keeping me there. I swear all I needed was ice for my old lady knees, but they REALLY wanted to find something wrong with me. Yes, I was not so very nice to some volunteers and I'm sorry for it, but seriously?! Luckily, I found the NYRR official medical director, who is in charge of all the NYRR races. He knew the drill and taped my knees perfectly and I was out. Thank goodness for him!

The post-race party was in MCU Park, The Cyclone's Stadium, which made me very happy for a real bathroom to change in. Best idea ever: bringing clothes and flip-flops to change into. Much like the expo, the Brooklyn Half Marathon isn't just a race. It's an event and you will be very happy for clean dry clothes, even it's only for the subway ride home.

There was a band playing and lines for days for food and beer. Getting to walk around on the AstroTurf was positively heavenly, but I preferred the shady seats to enjoy the post-race moment. I hung out there for a bit, but I really wanted to get on the beach. 

 Feet in the Atlantic= perfect ice bath. 

The water felt amazing and the beach was pretty empty. It was a nice peaceful moment from the crowds and noise at the after party. I would've stayed longer but I knew if I stayed in the sun much longer without eating, I would get sick.

I walked around for a bit trying to decide if I was hungry/ what I wanted to eat, etc. Luna Park was in full swing, but there was no way I could stomach getting on rides. I also decided I couldn't stomach eating a Nathan's hotdog (I know! Sacreligious!), so I got on the train for the long trek home. I miscalculated how long it would take to get home vs. how hungry I was, so I stopped at Dig Inn Market on my way home.

SO delicious. 

The Brooklyn Half was definitely a full day event and it was one of my favorite races, thus far! I'm so glad I got to run it.

Friday, June 6, 2014

The Brooklyn Half Marathon Pre-Party

The Brooklyn Half Pre-Party is not your usual expo. It's not a grab your bib and scope out the vendors on your lunch break type. . . it's a full on event. You should seriously consider it your evening plans. 

While the location was beautiful, it was seriously out of the way- and I live in Brooklyn! Sadly, the weather was super gross all that week, so the beautiful view of Manhattan that would've been worth the trek was completely greyed out and it was annoyingly drizzling.

It was about a mile from the closest subway station. Luckily, there were signs and volunteers guiding the way. I'm not familiar with the area, so it was a little  frustrating. There was also a ton of construction, so in order to get to the waterfront, you had to cross a bridge- that swayed. Talk about freaking out. The last time I experienced that I was on the Verrazano for the marathon.

The bridge of death and the construction.

It was also brought up that this is the only NYRR race that packet-pickup isn't in Manhattan. Could you imagine having to go to each of the respective boroughs for their races?

Once you finally arrived at the Pre-Party, it was really cute almost making you forget about the hike back to the subway- if you could remember how to get there. The official expo portion was under a tent and a tad crowded. Once you got your bib and shirt, you spilled into the New Balance merchandise area and the few vendors that were there were around it. I had my heart set on a couple of the race shirts that Brooklyn Circus designed, but I was disappointed that the designs either came in women's cut or unisex. The women's cut was shaped weird but that didn't stop me from buying way too many cotton blend shirts that said Brooklyn. I also picked up a half zip- what? How many times do you run your first Brooklyn Half?

You could also donation a pair of shoes and receive a $25 off coupon to the New Balance store on 5th Ave. I was really hoping I could pick up a pair of the New York City Marathon edition 890s, but alas they had already sent them to their outlets. You could buy the shoes at the expo, but you couldn't use the coupon. Whomp whomp. I should've bought them. 

Sparkly Soul had a custom headband for the race, so you know I had to have it. I'm loving that they're branching out this way, since they are the only headbands that don't give me headaches (but that doesn't stop me from buying others!) Nuun also had a special edition water bottle, like the one I got in DC, but I didn't realize that until it was too late, lucky for my kitchen cabinet. 

Brooklyn artists were there tagging your race shirts for free! By the time I decided I need that in my life, they had cut off the line. I thought it was a nice touch.

They also had a stage with lots of different musical acts, as well as plenty of AstroTurf area to enjoy the music. 

I was really interested in the food trucks for dinner. I am always on the look out for good Mediterranean cuisine, so I chose Toum. There was also a macaroni and cheese truck as well as a pizza one, I think. Luckily, I snagged a table under an umbrella and enjoyed my dinner.

I wasn't really fond of the only bathrooms being portapotties. It's one thing to go into one during a race, but in my work clothes with tons of bags? Ew.

See what I mean? It was an event. I easily spent a couple of hours there and I could've stayed longer, but I knew the trek home was going to be brutal.

I'm a fan of how much effort they put into making this entire event an authentic Brooklyn experience. I'm looking forward to how they handle the other borough races this year as well. I think it would be awesome for the other boroughs to get this much love, even if it does mean trekking there during the week :) 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Brooklyn Half Training week

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Rest (The Brooklyn Expo)

Thursday: NTC- part of the Hurricane workout

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 13.1M (The Brooklyn Half Marathon)

Sunday: Rest

I wasn't planning on taking it easy this week, but sometimes it happens. I had plans to go to one of the Nike events on Tuesday night, but it was cancelled. Instead, we went to the season 2 premiere of Orange is the New Black- same thing, right? :) 

Wednesday night, I went to the Brooklyn Half expo and I really want to count the 2 miles it took get to and from.  But that's a whole post of itself, as is the race. 

Of course this Thursday wasn't a "workout" day on my Nike Training App- so I improvised. Even though I couldn't do the workout with the app, I could use my Gymboss as a timer and do the workout on my own. Most workouts were 30 seconds to 2 minutes, so I set the timer to 30 seconds and did it on my own. Genius! I will admit, it was a little annoying (having to continue to keep my ipad open and see what was next), but it was better than nothing, right? I've also discovered that once you do a workout with the app, you can "replay" it whenever you want. So, I am literally in the middle of "working out" with the app to have it and then I'll replay it later in the week when I have time to do it. Make sense? 

Spoiler alert: I really really loved the Brooklyn Half! I'm so glad I got to experience it and no wonder it sells out in hours. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

(3 Things) Triscuit obsession, RNRLV Virtual Race shirt, and repurposing plastic bags

I have a confession.
I'm obsessed with Triscuits.

Thanks to the commercials on Hulu, I discovered there are new Brown Rice and Sweet Potato version. Then, I discovered they don't have any sugar- what?! That's amazing. Granted The cinnamon sugar has 3 grams, but other than that, these are perfect chip replacements especially with the variety. I've spent the past 2 weeks on a mission to find every flavor. If you've ever grocery shopped in New York City, you should know how hard this is. Luckily the grocery by my work is the mecca for all things Triscuit. The reining champ is The Brown Rice Tomato and Sweet Basil.
You're welcome.

My shirt from participating in the Rock-n-Roll virtual race to kickoff the Las Vegas Half Marathon finally came in. Does anyone else specifically remember them saying they would be sending TECH shirts? Yes, they were free, but I'm not a fan of false advertising. I don't know if I would've wasted their postage if I would've known. I need another cotton shirt like I need another hole in my head, but then again, who am I kidding? You know I love my swag.

Speaking of swag, I'm really loving the branded bag check bags for races lately. Anyone have a Pintrest board on how to re-use them? I just pinned something about fusing to make them fabric like. Yes, I know they're just plastic bags, but they're pretty. Bring on the arts and crafts project!

What are you obsessed with lately?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

BK Half: 1 week to go!

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: 2M Easy

Wednesday: NTC- Shape + Sweat

Thursday: Cat Hill Repeats

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: 10K

I took it easy last week because I was trying to recover from the half, but the goal is to get faster, so off to work I went this week. Tuesday, Pam and I took it easy since she is just getting back into running. It was pretty much a 2 mile stroll, but hey at least we were out there. We also took a detour to visit the Alice in Wonderland Statue, which I had never been to. 

I knew I couldn't skimp on the strength training, so I gave the Nike Training Club app another chance. This time, I took all the workouts, slow and deliberate trying to make sure I did them correctly. Who cares how many I can get done in a minute? As long as I'm being consistent. It's safe to safe, I did not experience insane DOMS . . . yet :) I will say, I'm a little frustrated with the workout programs. Once you "start" a program, you can't go back and do a workout from the previous week. I know that it's a specific 4 week program, but I'd rather do them on my own time. I believe you used to be able to pick your own workouts, but with the upgrade Nike changed it. I'm sure I can figure something else out, but I just need to play around in it. 

Thursday night, I continued on my workout streak and did hill repeats- but here's the kicker. I ran the whole time, including down the hill. I usually walk down them, but Pam told me I need to work the muscles. No matter how slow I go, as long as it looks like running that's ok. And I did it! Luckily, I didn't have my Garmin with me to freak me out about pace. It was crazy and I felt like a bad ass afterwards. 

Which got me thinking about when was the last time I felt like a bad ass after a workout? It's been a minute. Last year this time I was training for the Dumbo Challenge.
 I trained my butt off for that challenge and I feel like I wasted my training season. H
onestly, I didn't need to train that hard to frolic around Disneyland for 2 days with friends. I say that because it was really too hot that weekend to do much more, which I don't regret in the least! After Dumbo, I started marathon training again and the main goal was to finish strong; I was too scared to race anything because I couldn't afford to get hurt. Lesson learned: Do not train specifically for a runDisney event. Make sure you have a race you can actually race, either right before or right after. Luckily, this training is specifically to get a 10k PR, even if the "training" includes lots of half marathons. 

I took my long run easy this morning. Funny how less crowded the sidewalk is at 8AM vs. 1PM- RIP midday long runs. It was a perfect temperature in the shade and the sun reminded me these cool mornings are going to be few and far between as well pretty soon. But I will take it. Fingers crossed it stays cool for next weekend. 

New street art is always makes me happy. 

I'm really excited about the Brooklyn Half. I've been wanting to run it for years and can't believe I actually get to do it this year! Thanks to the New Balance sponsorship, there are tons of fun events happening and I can't wait to be involved. Stay tuned! 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Nike Women's Half Marathon: DC 2014

Nike, the Greek Goddess of Victory

Staying at The Marriott Metro Center was a really great idea- we were literally 2 blocks from the start/finish. It made the wake up call very nice. This was the first time on a racecation with so many people and the meeting place and time was not as painful as I thought it might be having 3 rooms of people. We walked over and said our goodbyes as everyone went to their respective corrals. My nerves were bad for some reason, even with going to the bathroom in the lobby, I still had to use the portapotties. Surprisingly, the lines were non-existent 10 minutes before start. Everyone was ready in their corrals, which is not something I normally see. 

It was also warmer than I was used to running in. As much as I tried with the body glide and sunscreen, it was not good enough. Ouch! But there was an amazing breeze that kept it perfectly chilly and great race weather. 

Having the start line facing the capitol was pretty awesome. Getting to run around DC and see all the monuments was pretty awesome as well. I brought my actual camera because I thought it would be nice to take pictures, but honestly, I only took photos within the first mile and then put it away. 

I loved all the Luna signs!

The course had a couple of inclines I was not expecting. Normally, I'm not a fan of out-and-back courses, but I loved this one because everyone was so encouraging! There were tons of high fives and lots of "You look awesome!"s. It was just the distraction I needed from the course. 

It's a women's race, so the course was crowded. Like, I was in a faster corral than I should've been in and I'm having trouble running faster than a 15 minute mile crowded. It took until about mile 7 for the crowd to thin out and for me to get my head in the game. By that time, my knees were giving me trouble and I was just done. For a race I wasn't trying to race, I regret not enjoying myself more, but it was extremely frustrating. I wish they would've had a better corralling system, that would've fixed a lot of it.

Luckily, the entertainment was really awesome- TONS of DJs and lots of drumming bands. There were many times along the course I turned off my ipod to enjoy, and I don't usually want to do that in a race.

Not gonna lie, the chocolate stop at this race was better than the one at the 15k. There were chocolate stations for about a half of a mile- no kidding. After my last disaster with eating chocolate, I passed. I didn't want to risk getting sick again and I didn't have anywhere to save it for later with it not melting. But I do love that you have the option of the sugar rush to the finish. 

Bathroom lines were insane. Thank goodness I don't usually go during a race. The lines were Mickey and Minnie in front of the castle during the Princess half marathon long. Seriously. And speaking of lines-

As soon as you finished the race, there was a line to get water. A line to get a heat sheet. A line to get a bag to put your post-race nutrition in. A line to get the nutrition. A line to get your necklace. A line to get your picture with a man in a suit. A line to get your hair done. A line for merchandise. A line to get your photo taken with a sign. A line to get your photo taken with a different sign. 

So. Many. Lines.

I did not have the patience for all that. Not normally, and definitely not after 13.1 miles of an overcrowded course. I am a very big fan of keeping moving after a race. I'm also a slow runner, so most of this stuff is usually cleared out by the time I'm done. Luckily, I ordered my finisher stuff online (BEST part about this race IMO) and didn't need photos of all that. Although, I wish would've gotten a picture of my full outfit. I was representing NYCM :)

One of the only pictures of my official outfit from the day. 
Thanks, Nike!

Things that I did like about the finish line: The water bottle instead of paper cups to be more green. You should already know how happy this made me! The bag they gave you to put your stuff in was a great idea. As well as the Chocolate Milk and EmergenC (not mixed together!) being apart of the post-race nutrition. The Almond clusters were insanely delicious as well. 

Overall, I was impressed with the race. The things I did not like about the race, I should've known better and not let it bother me, but what are you going to do? Would I run it again? As long as they keep this AMAZING branding, I'm in! I'm hoping I can pull off San Fran in October. Hopefully, they will offer group registration for their lottery. 

Not a bad race to be the last in the teens. Half Marathon #19 in the books!


Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Nike Women's Half Marathon Expo

A Nike Women's Half Marathon expo is not your typical expo. The only vendors that will be there are race sponsors and Nike. You will be able to get last minute nutrition, but for other things, unless it's Nike you're going to have to go to one of the running store in the area.

It was very confusing how to start your journey if you were coming from The Foggy Bottom metro stop. I get that they wanted to get everyone to Georgetown, but since it is so far from the Metro, it wasn't very convenient. Be prepared, it's a hike and a crowded one at that. The M Street sidewalks aren't really equip for 15,000+ runners and friends along with the Saturday shoppers leisurely strolling. Hence, why I'm sure the partnership with Uber was created, but I wasn't a fan of taking a cab in bumper to bumper traffic either.

Luckily, once we got there, bib pick up was pretty empty and they still had my shirt size (even if a Nike employee tried to steal it from me and give it to someone else. Luckily, that person was Pam and we ended up switching anyway. Not cool, Nike person) that's always a plus in my book. I know a lot of people weren't fans of getting their shirt beforehand and having to pay for a shirt that said finisher, but I was happy that was one less line I had to stand in at the finish.

Speaking of lines, in the official "expo", there was a line to pick up your gift for training with the Nike+ app. Sadly, I thought that meant the Nike DC app, but the guy let me have the hair ties anyway. At the Luna bar station, you could get a personalized sign printed which was pretty cool, but the line was really long. You could also get your hair done at the Paul Mitchell area; I'm sure you can guess- no line, but the wait was really long.

Great surprise getting to see Shalane and Joan!
With all that said, for getting to the expo late, I was pleased with how much merchandise was still available at Niketown. I made sure to check to see if they had my size in everything I ordered online, and they did! I even got a few things I was trying to hold out on. Oh well. You only live once right? I was sad to find that the full zip hoodie ran small and they were all out of the XXL by the time I figured it out. If you have any tips on how to stretch out 100% polyester (particularly in the arms), please let me know!
We ended up spending WAY more time at an expo with no vendors than I'm a fan of doing. It was a lot of time on my feet that I'm sure effected my race, thank goodness I wasn't planning on racing it. Lots of lessons were learned on this trip. I really need to work on shedding my New Yorker skin faster and understanding my race-related anxiety. The most important thing is for me to eat before the expo (which we did) then get my bib and tshirt. I'm usually better after that. Knowing how I am, I should've just left the group to do my own thing, but I wanted to be a team player. But it's all good. I will know better for next time. 

What are things that give you anxiety for race weekends?

Monday, May 5, 2014

Kiss Me Organics: Matcha Review and Giveaway

Have you heard of Matcha Tea? I'll admit, previous to the sweet folks at Kiss Me Organics, I didn't know much about it. When they contacted me to test it out, I was intrigued because I'm already a fan of green tea. 

After I decided it was delicious and amazing, I started doing my research (yes, I know it's a little backwards, but that's how I roll!) and apparently this is a wonder drug. All the benefits of green tea but since you're consuming the actual leaves finely ground up, you get the MAX of those benefits. It's jam packed with anti-oxidants and is awesome for an energy and metabolism boost. It's also good to drink this pre-workout for max calorie burning. What's not to like?! 

Along with my order, they sent over a PDF filled with recipes that you can use Matcha for. Being the non-cook that I am, I've only ventured in making my own version of the Matcha Latte and let me tell you- it's delicious! Not only that, but the energy kick I got from it was surprising. Coffee doesn't even effect me like this anymore! It was great and even better that it's all natural.

I will say it has a strong green tea flavor (Duh.), so you'll enjoy it if you enjoy Green Tea. My favorite is adding milk and a tad of sugar to the Matcha in hot water. I've also read that adding the Matcha to boiling water brings out the gritty taste, so the suggestion is to wait for the water to cool. It's also a tad more expensive than coffee, so as much as I'd love to make the switch, I think I'm going to keep my matcha as a treat or for when I really need a pick me up.

Matcha Tea

Because I was such a fan, I asked Kiss Me Organics to let me give some to one of you to try. You can enter here:

Have you ever tried Matcha? Are you a Green Tea fan?

Sunday, May 4, 2014

BK Half Training- 2 weeks to go!

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: NTC- Sweat + Shape

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Rest

I brought my gym clothes to work all week with every intention of going to the gym, but I could not make myself. Even getting excited about wearing my new Nike gear didn't even motivate me to go. Sometimes you just need a break and this week definitely was needed.

Remember, when I was super excited about the NTC app? My initial reaction was: interval training? AWESOME! I can do anything for a minute. 

No. No, I cannot do anything for a minute. 
That app is no joke, people. 

Talk about a serious case of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, for those not in the know). Let me just tell you, that's an understatement. I did the 30 minute workout on Thursday. I felt fine Friday, almost like I didn't even work out at all. Then Friday night hit. I was so sore, turning over in bed was painful. 

Moral of the story: Do not underestimate the Nike Training App.

I really wanted to do a short long run, so I could recover faster, but that wasn't in the cards for me this weekend. I had a lot of errands since I was out of town last weekend- so my "recovery" was a day of shopping throughout the city. If you've ever spent a day shopping around the city, you know that's no joke either. I'm pretty sure I did a 5k walking through Bloomingdales. It's no Macy's in Herald Square (which I avoid like the plague) but it was definitely an obstacle course for sure. 

I'm also scheduled for a massage today, which is very much needed. I'm hoping to flush out all the GSC/ NYC Half/ Nike Women's races so my muscles can start fresh for the Brooklyn Half in a couple of weeks.