Before we get started about the race, we need to talk about the race weekend crisis because, let's be honest, there is always at least one.
I was fully prepared for this race weekend. Everything was packed and organized. All my running stuff I put together in my carry on just in case they lost my checked bag. Yes, there was a checked bag involved. Don't judge me, this was a 3 race weekend. So, I put the sombreros that I made in a separate bag so they wouldn't get smushed. Can we see where this is going?
Proof they existed.
This is the pic I sent Ronda when I finished putting them on headbands.
Need to know how to make a hat into a headband?
Hotglue a strip of hard felt across it. Then you can clip it to your head or stick a headband through it. Done and Done. Easy Peasy.
Moving on. . .
It was 4am people. I slept a total of 30 minutes before I had to get up and go to the airport. I took a Dramamine to sleep on the flight. I didn't realize I had left them until I was half way to the hotel.
The sombreros were left on the plane.
It was a disaster. How could our amazingly themed outfits work without sombreros?! Impossible. After a mild panic attack, I got in touch with JetBlue's lost and found. Yes, they found the bag. No, they would not bring it to my hotel. They could Fedex it to me tomorrow, but I needed them at 3am tomorrow! I'd have to go back for them. But there was no time! We had to get to the expo.
The expo.
Sidenote: For such a huge race expo, the amount of samples and free stuff was completely lacking.
And now we're back to panic mode when genius strikes Ronda.
We go to Mexico.
Low and Behold,
We find sombreros!!
and Mexican accessories!
and a newly revamped ride.
with lots of sombreros in it!
We totally fit in with ours. Once we bought them, we didn't take them off.
We even found Donald and hung out with him in our sombreros.
(note: You might want to Bodyglide your forehead if you plan on wearing a sombrero for that amount of time. I know my forehand got chaffed!)
YaY! for race weekend!
See you again at 6:30am!
I'm kind of glad you forgot them ... only because then we had a reason to be those two girls walking around Epcot in sombreros! And seriously, how cute are we with Donald?!? Adorable!!