found someone to run 18 of the 20 I wanted to run that day. Guys? A
running partner is where it's at! How did I survive before?! No wonder I
was having meltdowns! Clearly, just music wasn't working for me. No
matter how loud it was or how awesome, I still ended up crying. Crying
and freaking out in front of someone else? Not as easy. I was still in
pain, lots of it,
but I didn't focus on it and I felt better.
I got to Prospect Park early to get my 2 extra
miles in and my right glut was giving me serious pains (Damn you Jillian
Michaels yoga! 1. WTF was I thinking? NOT
your normal yoga. and 2. I have never seen The Biggest Loser or any of
her other videos, but I could tell within 5 minutes of this video. You know what I'm talking about. Just
sayin.), so I cut it short and hoped for the best. Once
the race started, the pain went away (weird). It felt so good to run
in 40 degree weather. Perfect. Now let's hope it's that beautiful for
marathon day.
We finished our 6.2, got our medals, chugged a chocolate milk (
RNR starts giving them out at the end) and then continued on to finish
up our 12. I was actually pretty excited and happy with the course
change from last year. This time, we ran outside of the park and only
doubled up on a part of the course. The post race party looked like fun
no insane lines to get your tshirts) but we didn't get into the thick
of it because we weren't even half done.
Since Prospect Park is only a 3 miles loop, we circled the outside
which was about 6ish? and the concrete was so much better than CP) then
came in to loop one more time. We wanted to see "20" on our watches, so
we walked for 2 more miles (
such a good plan! Totally made my legs feel
better instead of abruptly stopping), giving me a total of 21.6 miles
and a whole new confidence. Thank. God.
Wearing compression also made a world of difference. My Asperis
compression shorts and compression knee socks?
O.M.G. Total game changers. I was so spoiled with my lululemon capris,
but I knew I needed to do a marathon dress rehearsal, so compression it
was- even if trying to go to the bathroom requires an act of
Congress. I also decided I want to get a new iFitness Belt, one without
water bottles used solely for nutrition and carry my water. The more
places to hold things, the better. Nov. 4 is going to be a long day.
Besides this being the last of my long runs, I also decided to make 13.1
of these miles apart of
Becka's #Run All The Races Virtual Race to
raise money for Suicide Awareness. This is an issue that hits home for
me and honestly, if I ever joined a charity again, it would be along the
lines of this. This is apart of her awesome journey to run a half
marathon in every state, where this weekend she ran her 50th State!
Congrats, Becka! You Rock!
This long run totally got me mentally ready. Bring on 26.2!
(after the taper. I am so damn excited about the taper).