A friend mentioned last week that there are tons of perks to living in NYC. While that is true, I believe NYCers put up with a lot and rightfully deserve those perks. This morning was a perfect example. My subway line went down during the morning rush. So I took my alternate route which I wish I didn't have to take as often as I do. Today, it consisted of waiting 30 minutes for the bus (that schedule on the bus stop pole is a complete waste of the paper it's printed on) to take me to another 30 minute wait for an alternate subway line, to transfer to another line, to transfer to another one to walk 2 avenues. Does your alternate commute include all that? Most of the time it's just easier to wait until the subway goes back up and endure the bone crushingly crowded train. Either way, it was clearly not in the cards for me to have a good morning.
Anyone else start doing their 3 (or 5 or 2) and decide you want to elaborate on that subject and it deserves it's own post and then start constructing that post? It just happened to me 3 times. These 3 things are getting hard! Or I just need to start doing more fun and exciting things, unless you consider laying on the couch catching up on TV fun and exciting. .
and in that case: I will admit, Once upon a Time and my apt have had a love hate relationship. So much so, we stopped watching it shortly after Season 2 premiered. We had a ton of other shows we were trying to catch up on together and we only have a limited amount of time to watch them together, so Once was the odd man out. Well, now that all the shows are rapping and a few have been cancelled (won't lie, I almost shed a tear at the series finale of Smash), we decided to start catching up. Well, holy cowsers has it gotten fun! A coworker accidentally revealed a serious spoiler that I HAD to marathon watch until the episode (14 if you're wondering) because I suck at keeping secrets but didn't want to ruin it for B (who, btw, didn't find it as mind blowing as I did). . . anyway. It's definitely getting better. We are emotionally invested now. Anyone else want to rewrite it so Regina can be good?! Or Captain Hook and Emma get together? PS- A villain should not be that good looking. But sadly we all know how the storybooks end.
What part of your morning commute do you hate? What TV shows were you bummed got canceled for next season?
What part of your morning commute do you hate? What TV shows were you bummed got canceled for next season?