Sunday, February 9, 2014

Glass Slipper Challenge Training: week 19

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: Rest

Thursday: Zumba/ Zumba Tone

Friday: Rest

Saturday: Yoga

Sunday: Rest

The start of the 2 week taper! Or my schedule just didn't work out this week. I'm a fan of the former :)

Monday we were tourists through New Orleans and Tuesday was a travel day. Thursday, I couldn't stomach running so I took two Zumba classes. The second one was Zumba Tone, which was awesome until the day after. Surprisingly, my thighs were killing me; I thought it was going to be my arms and abs. 

When the time came for a long run this weekend, I decided against it. My knee has continued to give me trouble and I'm trying everything to get it in better shape for Princess weekend. The back to back half marathon weekends are definitely taking their toll. So, I spent extra time rolling and I think the beginner yoga DVD helped- I've noticed if you want yoga for stretching, do beginner. They spend much more time in each pose to get your familiar with them, hence a nice long stretch session. 

Better to chill out this week than get injured and not have time to recover. 

How was your week?


  1. Definitely chill out rather than get injured. Seriously, how did Princess come up so quickly??

    1. IDK! As much as I'm ready for it to be here, I don't want it to go too fast.

  2. Wheeeeee! Princess!!! I need to do more rolling, too. Thanks for the reminder.
