Last year before marathon weekend, I complied a list of some tips for running a runDisney race. Here's a few more to add to the list!
Gallon Ziplock bags are your best friend. I learned this from many people's Ragnar packing tips. Each race outfit gets it's own ziploc bag. Makes packing easy, makes unpacking easier (everything is in one place!) and repacking smelly clothes? EASIEST!
Powerstrips are amazing. 3+ runners in a room + 3+ electronics each? There won't be enough outlets. Who am I kidding? There are never enough outlets without the running electronics. Invest in a powerstrip. They've saved me on many occasions.
Powerstrips are amazing. 3+ runners in a room + 3+ electronics each? There won't be enough outlets. Who am I kidding? There are never enough outlets without the running electronics. Invest in a powerstrip. They've saved me on many occasions.
Garbage Bags save your compression shorts. I bring them every racecation- in case it's raining or cold. I'm pretty sure I've read this over and over but it just recently hit me- bring one to sit on, silly! RunDisney gets you to races SUPER early (especially the night ones), I stressed my first TOT because we got to the start 3 hours early and I wanted to save my legs. For Everest and my 2nd TOT, I just sat on the concrete; that doesn't mix well with my running shorts, trust me. Bring the bag. It's a smart plan.
Most on property hotels were offering breakfast boxes, but you have to buy them the night before. They most likely won't be open early enough for you to get one before you have to get on a bus.
GET THERE EARLY! I cannot stress that enough for Disney races. Every race, I hear horror stories. I was almost one myself for Princess this year- and I was on one of the 1st buses! Also, for you multiple morning people- just because there was a surplus of buses one morning, does not mean they'll be there the next (that's a true story from The Art of Animation hotel last year). Remember that garbage bag? Curl up on the concrete and get a few extra winks in, but at least you'll be there.
These work for me and they're completely travel friendly!
In case your room doesn't have a coffeemaker, the 5ks usually have coffee by the start line (but of course, this is all subject to change). I don't recall from any of the other races.
Credit: FruitFly
GET THERE EARLY! I cannot stress that enough for Disney races. Every race, I hear horror stories. I was almost one myself for Princess this year- and I was on one of the 1st buses! Also, for you multiple morning people- just because there was a surplus of buses one morning, does not mean they'll be there the next (that's a true story from The Art of Animation hotel last year). Remember that garbage bag? Curl up on the concrete and get a few extra winks in, but at least you'll be there.
If you're doing a challenge: Stop for characters in the earlier races, that way you can save the time you're on the course during the marathon and skip the ones you got previously. (Except for the 10k, don't stop for characters during the 10k. It's the only race I'm running and I don't want to wait in long lines ;)
Schedule a dinner in one of the parks that's having magical hours or Downtown Disney. It will force you to walk around and that really helped in recovery. It was one of the best decisions we made last year (plus, it was Be Our Guest. win win!)
Schedule a dinner in one of the parks that's having magical hours or Downtown Disney. It will force you to walk around and that really helped in recovery. It was one of the best decisions we made last year (plus, it was Be Our Guest. win win!)
Chapstick doubles as Vaseline if you feel a hot spot coming on and not near a medical tent. And vice versa- Vaseline works if you forget your chapstick!
Can you think of anything I'm missing?
I always pack race outfits in zip lock bags, so much easier come race morning!
ReplyDeleteAnd trash bags are perfect to have to sit on and I may even try to get a few disposable ponchos in case it rains before race start to stay dry!
Great tips! Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteWDW Marathon had coffee last year and I remember that specifically because we stopped to get some and I was having anxiety about meeting up with you so late that morning! LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I read about the power strip thing recently and wondered why I have never thought of that before. I'm going to bring one for GSC.
And yes, the buses also are a source of anxiety for me. I'm one of those people that had trouble during Goofy with getting on a bus for the half right away and then waiting FOREVER for the marathon even though we got there at the same time.
I love everything about this post! I have run several Disney races and have not thought of some of these points. Bringing a power strip, genius!
ReplyDeletePS, I'm going to see if I can find those same flavors of Clif bars. They look so yummy!