Sunday morning, I woke up very early and took the hour and a half trek down to Coney Island (totally making me re-think this whole
2 races in 1 day business). Can I also say that it's kind of insane that it took the same amount of time to get from the Upper West Side as it would have from Williamsburg? That is a serious issue, MTA. Get with the program.
But I digress and move on to pictures!
Coney Island Subway Stop.
The New York Aquarium, the start and finish line, where we had breakfast and got to play in for the rest of the day following the race.
The boardwalk is where the race was. I thought it was a super cool touch, until one of the other runners told me there were parts missing (i.e. holes in the boardwalk, nails bend and super unstable wood). She wasn't lying. I nearly face planted due to a misplaced nail. Oh well. I wasn't going very fast anyway due to my late long run the day before. I was also concerned that it was going to be a small race, so I might end up last, but I wasn't. It's nice to know that even though I'm slow, I'm still faster than the people who think they're in shape but not (no offense to anyone, but you shouldn't underestimate the power of a 5k).
I don't know what the winner's circle was, but getting to go on that dirty beach on a cool morning did not seem like winning to me. Just sayin.
I made a new friend at the finish line (I love when races have mascots!) PS- that is not my finish time. I don't know what my time was though because this race had no chips or an actual finish line. No biggie for me, but if it were my first race, I'd be a little bummed.
Then I met a real one (those things are HUGE, btw).
And saw a show with this guy.
Had lunch here because you have to if you're at Coney Island.
Then took this train to get my happy behind out of there. I had a large headache and I was ready to shower and nap by the time the day's events were over.
My super awesome souvenir.
Ok, he wasn't for me, so what? I was supposed to get a shirt with a sea turtle on it, but they were all cheesy looking and personally I think this guy is way better.
He was named Horis.
And he's super talented. He walks down walls.
And this is where he lives now.
It was a super cute race and I had fun. I don't know if I would do it again (alone anyway. I'd totally do it again if I could convince people to go with me) but I am looking forward to the Bronx Zoo 5k in April (especially because I think that one might be closer).