Moving on.
I went on a run tonight. I have a habit of doing my weekday runs on the treadmill at the gym, but I'd like to break that. Seeing as this winter has been eerily mild, there is no snow to dodge or freezing temps to deal with (knock on wood). The only issue I have now is running in the dark (remember Brooklyn sketch?) but I stuck to the big streets and dodged a minimal amount of pedestrians.
As I was making my way towards Williamsburg proper, I found a runner going the same way. I don't know if it was the Disney songs on the playlist or if I was trying to entertain myself, but I felt like Alice following The White Rabbit down the rabbit hole. Because, all of a sudden, we were in McCarren park:
Cue cheesy enlightenment music!
I've never run in McCarren park before. I've only been a few times, usually during the summer to lay in the grass, but it's always been overrun by hipsters. This time, people were actually running around the track, there was a soccer game going on and the cross training equipment was being used. And the best part? It was lit! I was very excited, especially because it's only about a mile from my apartment. Unfortunately, the running around in a circle started to get boring, so I headed home. I'm sure I will be back, though!
I got home and made the most amazing salad. If I was one of those bloggers, I'd totes have a picture on my blog of it, but I'm not so I don't. Just trust me. It was delish. And then I had a very large handful (fine. two) of peanut butter M&Ms and continued to wonder why I'm not losing weight.
How's everyone else's training going?
That run sounds great! I would love to discover something and have music click on to show the wonder of it all and see it lit up and glowing in the distance!
ReplyDeleteMy training is going really well now! Can you believe it was just 1 month ago yesterday that we finished our 3rd race? Crazy! It feels like it was much longer.