Monday, December 3, 2012

Inspire Your FitBehavior

Happy Monday, yall! Recently, I got the opportunity to read Inspire Your FitBehavior and I wanted to share what I thought.

According to the site, "[they] aim to inspire the “why” and “how” for fitness behavior change with real-life testimonials and messages of successful models. Story-telling is a powerful behavior-change tool that we utilize to inspire action."

Instead of the usual the regular "how to" formula of instructions, this book focuses on motivating through different relate-able people and their personalized journey into becoming active. Because honestly, there is no cookie cutter way on how to get active. What works for one person, won't necessarily work for you and vice versa. We generally know what needs to be done to get active, but somewhere in between all the good intentions get lost. With the help of this book, at least you'll be motivated enough to get over the fear of trying something and actually do it.

I read it via ebooks that also includes video from each person, which was comforting and helped bring home the idea that these are just regular people; if they can do it, so can you. Of the many stories, no two were alike and each person had their own favorite activity; anything from ping-pong to triathlons. It was an extremely universal way of motivating a wide-range of people. It doesn't matter what you love to do (or what you think you might love to do, in case you haven't tried it yet :); as long as you're doing something!
My favorite story was the triathlete grandparents who inspired their grandchildren to get active. Setting a good example is more powerful than you'd think and most active habits can be easily picked up through family members. I was also impressed by the closing remarks regarding the health of this country as a whole. I'm so glad this issue is being brought to light on so many levels instead of swept under the rug. Sadly, it is almost like preaching to the choir.

If you or someone you know is looking to get more active, need the extra push or just having low motivation, I highly recommend this book. It's a quick and easy read that will have you ready to pole vault or become a marathoner in no time! (The training, well, that's another story)

How do you get motivated?

Full disclosure: this book was given to me. All opinions and motivational tactics are my own.

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