This is just a little FYI post I thought I'd do about the things that got me through my NYC marathon experience. I am not sponsored or being compensated in any way by any of these products, but would not complain if they'd like to :)
In no particular order:
In no particular order:
Aspaeris Compression shorts Fact: If I don't want to hurt terribly, I never ever should run longer than 16 miles without them. I ran my first two marathons with them on, but for some reason this training season, I didn't think I needed them. LIES. The only complaint I have is they don't have ANY pockets, which is annoying but I will take it if I can run with no pain and feel better the next day.
Old Navy top (under the throwaway shirt and garbage bag) Truth: I didn't run longer than 6 miles in this shirt before I decided it would be my marathon shirt. Do not follow in my footsteps: decide your marathon outfit early and train in it! Anyway, seeing that it is a seamless shirt, I lucked out. It was perfect. If you happen to run in lululemon, this is a better quality knockoff of their Run Swiftly line (ps- I noticed ON has a few other "lulu" styles as well). It was thicker and I feel like it kept me warmer than other short sleeves would have. And at the awesome sale price of $15 (reg. $20), I did the only sensible thing: bought one in every color.
Enell sportsbra Do I really need to explain how amazing this bra is for the well endowed? Yes, it looks daunting, but it is what I've found works the best for running.
Sparkle skirt Pretty much any long race, I'm in a sparkle skirt. I like that I can wear my compression and have added coverage. I ran my first marathon with this particular one on (as well as the Disneyland Half) so, I knew it would work. I wasn't accounting for it to be so windy, though. Not that I was caring much about it, but there were many Marilyn Monroe moments throughout the 26.2 miles. So much for the coverage ;)
Brooks Ghost 6 After my last training season, my feet were no longer having it in my PureFlows. So, this was the recommendation for staying in Brooks but with more cushion. They worked for awhile, but I noticed I was having a TON of calf tightness. Funny, my calves never gave me a problem when I was transitioning to minimal. As I mentioned before, I will continue to train in them, but once this pair dies, I'll be shopping for a new shoe.
Pro Compression socks I wore them for both previous marathons, but didn't train in them. Again, do as I say, not as I do! Since my calves were pretty tight all training season, they were a great option for the race. Plus, they kept my legs warm since I decided to wear shorts. Win win!
ING NYC MARATHON arm sleeves I'm hot blooded, so I knew even in 40 degree weather, short sleeves/ tank top/ shorts were a must. But I also knew I would be finishing at night, so I needed something that I could keep on or take off as needed. These worked perfectly, they allowed me to give a nod to the 2012 race (I bought them last year) and they kept me warm the whole race. I never took them off.
Brooks run happy visor I only have one head, but a million accessories for it. I decided on a visor, because it would work the best for the amount of time it would need to be on my head. It was less likely to cause me a headache, but keep my face protected from the sun and keep my hair back all at the same time.
Ear warmers Originally, I thought I would throw this out with my shirt and garbage bag, but it lasted the entire 26.2 and then some. I have super sensitive ears in the winter, and that's my only complaint about winter running. Seeing as the marathon was an especially cold windy day, it was a lifesaver.
Ear warmers Originally, I thought I would throw this out with my shirt and garbage bag, but it lasted the entire 26.2 and then some. I have super sensitive ears in the winter, and that's my only complaint about winter running. Seeing as the marathon was an especially cold windy day, it was a lifesaver.
A garbage bag that bridge is windy! I was given the advice to wear one UNDER my throwaway shirt as well as over. Some advice: Do NOT put your extra layers on until you are about to exit the SI Ferry. I had all of my stuff on from the time I left the apartment and by the time I got to the ferry, my race shirt was soaking wet. I was concerned about it not drying and catching pneumonia, but it all worked out. Still. Don't be like me. But DO bring an extra one to sit on, in case your commute isn't as crazy as mine and you actually have time to sit at Fort Wadsworth.
iFitness Belt I'm slow, so I always like to have my water on me no matter what the race distance. Last year, I switched to a handheld, because the belt without the water holders had more slots for Gu. I remedied that by safety pinning the extra Gu to the belt and it worked out perfectly! I also just found out, an add-on for your cellphone/ camera is available. Brilliant!
No explanation needed:
No explanation needed:
Running Friends- on and off the course!
my ipod full of awesomeness thanks to Jaime!
Gymboss- a run/walkers best friend
my ipod full of awesomeness thanks to Jaime!
Gymboss- a run/walkers best friend
What are some of the things that help you get through a race?
Regardless of all those "things", remember that it was YOU! YOU are the one who did it! All your dedication and training is what made this happen. Congrats girl!
ReplyDeleteThanks, ma'am :) I know, just wanted to pass along what helped get me through!
DeleteI'm a loyal fan of both Pro Compression socks and Sparkle Skirts -- one out of necessity (those socks have SAVED my calves and feet, I'm sure of it), and one just 'cuz it adds a little fun to those long races and the spectators always seem to enjoy it, haha. The iFitness belt is fabulous; I use it for all of my runDisney races because it's the only one that stays completely PUT the entire time. Great post! :-D
ReplyDeleteThanks! I just recently bought the Pro Compression socks (regular length) and I love them as well. I agree about the iFitness and Sparkle Skirts :)