Just wanted to give Claim Your Journey a shout out and a thank you. They included my race recap in their 10 Must Read Recaps and I felt so special (Hello to my new readers and welcome!). If you haven't checked them out, you should, especially if you're a runner in the Gulf Coast area, or plan on running in that area. They are an amazing resource for all things in that area. And the few that I've met are pretty awesome, even if one of them happens to be my BFF.
Back to the potty. . .
Even though New Orleans was my 8th Rock-n-Roll race, I had never spent enough money at a Rock-n-Roll expo to get into the VIP Potty. I have a very strict rule of only buying merch if I PR or for a special occasion. Running a half marathon in my hometown IS a special occasion and I will find any excuse to rep my city! I knew I was going to spend a ton of money at this expo in particular, so I was excited to get to experience it.
Except when I got there, the line looked like this:
A line?!
Then again, they did sell out of VIP stickers early on Saturday at the expo.
There were separate men and women's bathrooms and their line was shorter.
I was a little concerned about the line and getting into my corral before start time, but this was not my first RnR rodeo and I knew I could always catch up to it. I didn't get a chance to compare how long the lines for the regular port-a-potties were, but I can say there were obnoxious lines all over the course.
The Verdict?
If you are in the market for race merch, you might as well buy enough for this perk!
Are you a race expo merch kinda person? What do you normally buy at expos?
Hm ... too bad I didn't know about this in Seattle - did it exist there? What am I saying - I had NO lines in Seattle ever. But I spent an ass load of money there.