Friday, April 29, 2011
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Princess diaries.

My intelligence astounds me sometimes.

Who slept through her alarm and woke up the exact time she was supposed to be sitting at her desk?
Who is wearing what she wore to the bar and did not put a brush through her hair?
This guy.
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Did you win the lottery?
Things you are dying to know.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
With my big black boots and an old suitcase
Monday, April 25, 2011
The Crescent City Classic 10K

One week present.

What is it, you ask?
It's a headphone holder!
You stick it to your desk and put your headphone wires in them when you're not listening to them, so they don't fall on the floor and get ripped out of your computer, or rolled over by your chair, etc.
Its amazing for this headphone killer.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Non-smoker shoe therapy.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011
A day in the life of a reformed smoker, one moment at a time.

8:05: Tell you you can't do something and that's all you think about. So I told myself if I want one I can have one hoping to ease the pain. Luckily, I didn't do it.
8:20: I put a full pack of (unopened) cigarettes in my purse. Why? Bc if they're there, I won't freak out as much.
8:25: I don't want to take the adivant but I won't be any less strong if I do.
8:30: I can't do one day at a time. I have to live one moment at a time and that's ok too. Even if it makes it a very long day, everything is only for now. Nothing lasts forever. This, too, shall pass. Just ride it out.
8:45: This patch itches.
8:50: Let's bring it back to running. When you were visualizing yourself running 13.1 miles, it was easy. But when the time came for you to do it, it wasn't so easy the first time. It may not even be the second time around either but right about now running 10 miles is cake to you. So let's give it a couple of times (or days).
9:00: I got to work 30minutes earlier than normal. Scary how much time it wastes. All this and it's not even 930.
9:15: I want a fluffy pillow. I want to go back to sleep and pretend this is over.
9:17:I want a medal for this.
9:30: I think I'm getting sick.
9:40: I need love and support.
9:45: I feel dizzy. Very off balance. Weird out of body experiences going on here.
9:47: I need someone to tell me they love me. And I'm an amazing person. And a hug wouldn't hurt.
9:50: Someone better love me after this.
10: Breathing deeply helps.
10:15: want a present. A big one.
10:45: Went for a cigarette "break". Smelled the smoke. Made me feel better.
11:45: Feeling sick. Nauseated. Not cool.
2:30: I'm rewarding myself with pinkberry. So much for all that weight I lost. But at least I won't have to buy new clothes.
3: I really want a present.
3:35: Tried to convince the mailguy to buy me French fries on Friday for quitting. I don't think it worked.
4:05: I would like to smell smoke now.
4:10: I want to reward myself but I don't know what I want but I know I want something. Maybe a lululemon outfit?
4:15: I need a hug.
4:20: I would really like to smell smoke now.
4:30: Couldn't find my smoking buddy so I made my boss go down and smoke "with" me. He didn't think it was a good idea but for some strange reason no one has argued with me today.
4:50: I have demanded presents from everyone in my cubicle area for not smoking all day. I have decided I need a present everyday for the first week and then once a week for the rest of my life. Completely reasonable.
5: Nonsmokers are upset that I'm getting presents. Well. You should've started smoking. Not my fault.
5:15: Getting quite annoyed with all this "advice" from non-smokers. Humans who have never touched a cigarette, kudos to you, but please keep your opinions to yourself. Trust me, you have no idea what the fuck you are talking about, because if you did, you would realize how dangerous shelling out your wisdom to me is right now. Must walk away before homicidal thoughts occur.
5:30: I feel like I have mentally run an entire marathon. It really is a mind game.
6: I just went to Duane Reade for gum and dum dums. The coffee stirrer was cool but I feel like a sleazy old man.
6:15: I am awesome.
6:20: Almost 12 hours. (since I've been awake)
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
It's Boston weekend.

Sunday Funday Randomness.

2. But at least I figured out that wearing a hat makes me look less tragic.
3. I need to figure out how to mentally calm down after a long run. My body wants to sleep but my mind is racing (no pun intended).
4. Due to this, I decided to paint my nails and toenails. It was a scary situation.
5. Long runs are awesome for telling stories. Especially relationship stories. After the entire story has been told, you don't even notice you just ran 6 miles because you've been so wrapped up in knowing the ending.
6. Long runs still do not give you the answer to said relationship drama.
7. Experimenting with night-before run rituals can be surprising. Pitchers of beer and wings were surprisingly not as traumatic as I was expecting. Waking up at 6am after said pitchers was still a bitch.
8. I need to stop using running as a way to get out of being social. Hence, last week's activities of drinking and fun. I know I can do both, I'd just rather not and that's not going to win me any more friends.
9. Smoking right before going to the gym is a good plan the day before you are quitting. 10 minutes in and my heart was ready to beat out of my chest. I was in so much pain. Must remember that feeling.
10. Sign up for another Half Marathon before you run your next one, but far enough after your previous one so you forgot how you felt. RnR Seattle, here I come!
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The little things
Friday, April 15, 2011
50 reasons not to date a graphic designer

2. There are billions of them in the world, like colors on the screen of your computer.
3. They will analyse conversations in layers.
4. You will spend the day assembling furniture from IKEA.
5. They drink and eat all kinds of weird shit just because they like the packaging.
6. They hate each other.
7. You’ll come out the last out of the movies because you have to see the full list of credits.
8. They cant change a light bulb or without making a sketch.
9. They fuck up all the tables with their cutters.
10. They rather study the paisley pattern on your outfit than listen to what you have to say.
11. They will fill your house with magazines and whatever is out there that has drawings.
12. You never know if it is really an original or a copy.
13. They make collages with your photos.
14. They do not know how to add and subtract, they just understand letters.
15. They idolize people who nobody knows and speak of them as if they were his colleagues.
16. They take pictures almost daily and all are cut in weird shapes.
17. They ask your opinion about everything but they do whatever they want.
18. Everything is left justified, right or center unless they arrive late.
19. They hate Comic Sans with the same passion they love Helvetica.
20. They use iPhone for everything, because everyone has one.
21. You can not decorate the house without consulting them.
22. They steal street signs.
23. Always carry their hands painted with something.
24. They buy dolls unfinished for them to paint.
25. Everything becomes something other than what it really is: cards as tickets, cards as …
26. When arguing, you will be nicknamed like the OSX spinning wheel (not affectionately)
27. Do not know how to dress without consulting the Pantone book.
28. They hate Excel.
29. They read comics.
30. They want to save the world only with a poster.31. You will spend the day brainstorming.
32. On vacation they will take you to countries that you do not know exist and have no beach.
33. Museums are their second home.
34. They know more positions than the Kamasutra.
35. They can’t go to a restaurant without secretly critiquing the menu design.
36. They listen to music you have never heard of.
37. They can´t cook a normal dish, they always have to experiment with new ingredients.
38. They read rare books: stories of children, Semiotics …
39. When they are going to tell you something, everyone has read it in their facebook and twitter.
40. They have own iPods before you knew they existed.
41. The orgasm they remember is when they heard that Adobe was acquiring Macromedia
42. They have their own shops just for them and there are the most expensive in the city.
43. They want to spend all the money in the Apple Store.
44. You will never understand their gifts.45. They see ordinary objects and laugh.
46. You wake up in the middle of the night hearim them screaming “When is the deadline?”
47. They see CMYK and RGB like Neo sees the Matrix.
48. They dream of the day nobody will make a single change to their designs.
49. They rather pay for a font than for a special birthday gift.
50. They are always sleepy because they work 24/7.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Music is too powerful for me.

I'm a fan of Katy Perry's E.T.
I guess I've forgiven her for Teenage Dream (especially after hearing Boyce Avenue's version of it. It's amazing). And while I'm at it, I'll admit Firework still brings tears to my eyes when I think about the words.
99% of the time my iPod selection embarrasses me.
To redeem myself, I fell in love with Sara Barielles' Uncharted when I heard the lyrics, "compare where you are to where you want to be and you'll get nowhere".
Go listen. It will brighten this very early and rainy Wednesday.
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Monday, April 11, 2011
Shipping advice.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Scotland 10K.

But I am happy because instead of being on the ground after the race this morning, this is what I looked like:
Even though I was still in foot pain, it only escalated to about a 4 (instead of it's usual naggingly annoying 2. . . .you know on a scale from 1-10) and no hip pain (although, that pain only shows up around mile 9 and I only did 6). I know I'm rockin a rookie mistake by continuing to run, but I'm going to a doctor on Wednesday. Even though it's a GP, I'm going to pretend it's a sports medicine/ psychiatrist.
I have no idea how I did yet. The GPS on my RunKeeper app crapped out and it took about 15 minutes just to reach the starting line, so I will just have to wait until it's posted online.
Not that it matters. I had to keep telling myself that. I'm nursing an injury and just finishing before they close the finish line should be good enough.
Was it just me or did it feel like there were a million more hills? Little baby ones kept popping up that I don't remember existing throughout my last 4 months of training. Everyone kept groaning as we approached another one, and I would tell them "This is the last one!" and then another one would show up. opps. But seriously, does it even count as a hill after Harlem Hill? Everything else is just speed bumps in comparison.
I am proud of myself for being able to pass a ton of people as I got close to the finish and no one passed me. One guy was putting up a good fight, but I decided I didn't want to have any energy after the race and blew past him. It was really fun getting to do that and I believe it's my first race to do that.
Before I peace out and take a nap, here are some shots I got on the route:
Waiting in the corrals. There were tons of people dressed in kilts. Theming. It makes life so much better.
At every mile marker, there was this:
It made me smile.
I made sure to high five as many volunteers as I could and a bunch of them were dancing singing and cheering for us, making me look like a total slacker volunteer.
Friday, April 8, 2011
Le swag.
I'm amazing. I ran a half marathon. I can do anything.

Thursday, April 7, 2011
I cannot catch a break.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Rants of today.

And why can't I find a doctor in-network to subscribe me my happy pills? This is New York! But then again, this is New York. No wonder I need to wait a month for an appointment.
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I heart B. Davis

Don't judge. I don't judge you for your reality TV- ok. Fine. I do.
I can't help it. It's my favorite weakness.
I'm not going to get on my soapbox about the show but I am going to admit that I love when my friends compare me to Brooke Davis (the recent seasons, not high school). I only wish in my wildest dreams. I love Sophia Bush. I love what she has done for the Gulf Coast effort and I think she's an awesome person. I think we'd totally be besties if it weren't for the whole she's an actual celebrity and I'm only one in my head.
With that being said, I just found out Sophia ran a half marathon! (sidenote: I really need to figure out this twitter situation.) You should click it and see how amazing she looks after 13.1 miles. I wish I could be as rockstar as she is.
Oh wait. I am :-)
But seriously, that's really inspiring. And don't worry, Sophia. I will probably hobbling along in Nashville, if this knee/hip/foot thing doesn't act right.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Hello Lover?

That's all gravy, but with all this hydrating, it's hard to stay seated for an extended period of time.
I'm trying, people.
It looks like I've given in and upgraded in the world. No more frozen veggies!
Injuries suck.

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